That time I made…

by TastesSpicy

Sloppy Joes!

So I was invited to a house warming a few weeks ago. One of the items on the menu was this messy burger meat thing that you slopped onto a bun and go to town on it!

Usually I am a very picky eater! I will not eat something that does not look appealing to my eyes. I try to eat the same things most of the time. Like I do not like anyone messing with my breakfast. Breakfast to me should be Eggs Benedict or Bacon, eggs and hash browns. Thats it!

While I don’t eat fast food very often, I often stick to what I like the most, so only breaded chicken sandwiches I will eat.

Now imagine my dilemma when I show up to this party and thats the only food item on the menu besides salad! And I had not eaten before so I was ready to eat anything at that point.

The Sloppy Joe was kept in a crockpot and you had to slop it over some buns…I skipped the bun and just ate it with chips. Well I said to myself, either I was really hungry or that was pretty good!

So I came home and set about testing out how to make this Sloppy Joe. I don’t like sweet so I knew I wanted mine to be a little on the spicy side. I made it like 3 times before I settled on this recipe being my favorite.

These are perfect bites for having a game night or if you have a grad party or even a BBQ!

Give it a go and if you like it, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and give the video a thumbs up!

I shall be back soon with a Coconut Curry Shrimp recipe!

Click here for Sloppy Joe recipe and video.




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