Dhalpuri Roti Video

by TastesSpicy

Hi There!

I know I have not posted anything in a few weeks. I have not had motivation to cook or I should say documenting and videoing everything that I cook lately.

Before we jump into the recipe for today…who watches the bachelorette? Besides Mr. Pouty Pants that is! While reading my book last night I happened to catch some of it. Now I do not watch this reality TV show at all. I cannot seem to like it.

I don’t like the fact that the girl or boy whichever is the star of it at that time, has to kiss every guy or girl on it before deciding on who they like best! I think of it as a meat market. But either way…last night I just overheard this 1 snippet, of one guy eating a banana and standing over another guy while he was sleeping…and the sleeping guy was complaining to the girl about the banana eating guy.

I am thinking to myself…if you are sleeping how could you know the guy was eating over you? And that really is not the bad part…the part I cracked up about was that she had to get to the bottom of it like she was the parent and not the girl they want to spend the rest of the show with! I mean really!

Okay back to Roti now. I made this recipe before in a huge batch. If you want to make a smaller batch obviously just half the recipe. For the video I only did 4 cups of flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon yeast and 1 teaspoon salt for the dough.

Dhalpuri is a traditional Sunday meal back home. I don’t cook it often as it is time consuming, however it freezes great and you can just reheat in the microwave as needed.

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Click here for the Dhalpuri Roti and Video.





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