Mini Beef Sliders!

by TastesSpicy

I do my best thinking and remembering at 2 in the morning! Does that ever happen to anyone else? I remember at 2 in the morning what I have to do, what I want to do, what I plan on making…but come 8 am…its like I cannot remember a darn thing until 2 am rolls around again!

I can plan a whole menu and cook it in my head at 2 in the morning, but try to get me out of bed at 8…good luck! Speaking about rising early…OMG the Monster is out of school for 3 months! And her school is not giving Summer school this year!

Three months I say! What will I ever do! First off Miss Monster, does not roll out of bed before noon. That alone puts a stop to any morning plans I may have. If I attempt to wake her up on her holiday, as she likes to remind me, her response is Why? I am on vacation, this is my time Nini, then she tells me to turn the fan back on and goes back to sleep!

When I do get her to roll out of bed, its another chore to figure out what she wants to eat! OYE…There was a time when she ate Beef Patties 3 times a day and loved it! Heck I loved it! Now we are on a different phase.

She is going into 6th Grade, I am happy to say I survived 5th grade Math! I am not ready for 6th Grade Math. Tutors are expensive too shoot! They want like $40 an hour. I shall just have to cry my way through 6th grade! LMBO

Needless to say I am super proud of her she got all A’s in her exams at the end of the term. 6th Grade here we come, kicking and screaming!

Now unto the recipe…Mini Beef Sliders! Need I say more? I am sorry to say I am not a burger person…I know right what? I am just not. I am however a Deep Fried Chicken Sandwich person! But I have been to two places recently here in MN and I had Beef Sliders at both, only because they did not have my Chicken Sandwich and I must admit I could not get it out of my head. They were that good!

So I decided to give it a go and it turned out great!

Click for Recipe Here!





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