The Love Your Spouse Challenge?

by TastesSpicy

Recently I started seeing on facebook the ice bath challenge, the 100 days of pictures challenge, the love your kids challenge and the best one of all the Love your Spouse challenge which I understand you have to post a picture and write something about your other half.

Now I don’t mind the challenges or even the chain email things that goes around or even the posts that says how many likes can ABC get for XYZ.

What I simply do not understand is how everyone just love their hubby’s like in every post!! If you have been in a long term relationship you will know that everyone has its ups and downs. Yet no one seems to talk about that! Having been in a long term relationship, I can tell you there were days when I did not like the other half yet all I see written are posts about ‘my one true love, my soul mate, the person I am destined to spend the rest of my life with, my honey boo boo…you get the idea.

I cannot be the only person whose relationship has its ups and downs, days when you need that break away from each other. Social media however dictates that we all have the perfect life! The love your spouse challenge just painted everyone’s relationship as perfect!

Now you know what is perfect? This One Pot Chicken and Rice dish! Now that is perfect. Marriage is not perfect. In fact, marriage and any relationship is work. It takes a lot of work to keep that strong. Making this chicken and rice dish when you are in a rush is however perfect and takes no work at all.

If you are in one of those challenges though, how about putting social media on the back burner tonight and cooking up this delicious dish for you and your spouse!

You can find this One Pot Chicken and Rice dish recipe here!

quick one pot rice and chicken dish 031

quick one pot rice and chicken dish 025


quick one pot rice and chicken dish 027


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