Spicy Fried Chicken Recipe

by TastesSpicy

This Spicy Fried Chicken recipe will have you have drooling for days, possibly weeks to come!

Any at home chef or cook has at some point tried to break the secret recipe for KFC or Popeyes Chicken! Well this is it guys. This is the closest you will ever come to that secret recipe!

Fried chicken has been described as being “crunchy” and “juicy”, as well as “crispy”. The dish has also been called “spicy” and “salty”. This recipe hits all those points.

First of all, there is no buttermilk in this. It is not needed. This chicken was juicy and tender all on its own. Secondly I doubt very much a huge cooperation like KFC or Popeyes would use buttermilk in their chicken. It would just be too much overhead cost wise. Right?

I cannot tell you how many times and different ways and recipes I have tried just trying to find that perfect bite for fried chicken. After my 200th test I am finally ready to share my recipe with you. I believe we should all have this Spicy Fried Chicken in our lives!

At first glance the recipe will look like it has a million ingredients. But honestly it does not. You will be using basically the same ingredients in the marinade as well as in the breading. The only weird ingredient will be the oregano. Otherwise it is very straight forward.

Like I mentioned before we will not be using buttermilk in this recipe. We are using plain tap water. If you can marinate your chicken for at least 24 hours, it will create maximum flavor. However I have marinated this before as little as 4-6 hours and it was just fine.

Do not be afraid of the amount of peppers that goes into this. It won’t be like burning your tongue hot. Its a mild sort of peppery flavor. The seasoned flour is what creates those beautiful ripples that you see on fried chicken. It is important to massage the chicken in the flour on the second go around. After you have battered a few pieces of chicken, try to remove any clumps from the seasoned flour.

To have nice ripples and flakes we want to avoid clumpy flour. Another important step is the temperature of the oil. If you have a deep fryer that controls the temperature of your oil, I urge you to use it. Using the pot with the oil will produce the same great texture and flavor, but it requires more time management.

I had to constantly check the temperature of my oil and adjust it. As soon as it would get plus or minus degrees by 5 I would adjust it. If the oil is not hot enough the chicken will be soggy. If it is too hot then the outside will get brown before the inside has cooked.

Rule of thumb, white meat cooks quicker than dark meat. Try to cook it separately. Dark meat needs 18 minutes while white meat only needs 15. After frying drain the chicken on a wire rack NOT paper towels. The oil will make the chicken soggy if you use paper towels.

I used a whole chicken and I cut it myself, it saves money and I like managing the size of the pieces of my chicken. The flavor of this chicken was unbelievable. The crispness was on point!

Give it a try and be sure to comment on how it went. I love hearing from you all. Check out the video below and give it a thumbs up. Be sure to check out my YouTube Channel too and subscribe for more delicious recipes!

Click here for Spicy Fried Chicken recipe.

Spicy Fried Chicken

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Urban March 15, 2021 - 11:17 pm

Haven’t stopped by in quite a while. So I notice the new look of the place, looks great and more visual. That chicken looks great. Funny enough I had KFC today for lunch, the grill kind though. A bit too lazy to cook today and since it’s just me, I don’t have to cook any dinner either. Didn’t feel like it anyway. It’s good to have that choice as well. At least when I need a good fried chicken recipe, I know where to find it.

Anyway, I was watching Youtube and saw a notification pop up and realize hey you posted something. Instead of heading to the video, I figured I stop here to see what you were up to. And great, since I get to take note of the furniture arrangement.

TastesSpicy March 16, 2021 - 11:37 pm

Hi Henry!
Its good to hear from you. Hope you are keeping well and thanks for stopping by as usual!


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