Spain and Oxtails?

by TastesSpicy

I never knew about the connection between Spain and Oxtails or more specifically bulls tail. In fact I did not know about a lot of the history of different foods and recipes until I started blogging for 196flavors.

Over at 196 flavors they believe in authenticity and showcasing where a recipe came from. If you have not seen some of the articles I have written for them you should definitely check it out.

While some of them are hard to write, because it is in another language like this Oxtail Stew from Spain, you will be amazed to hear about the history of how that recipe came to be.

Today I am sharing with you one of the recipes I did for 196flavors. This recipe was past onto me by 196flavors, so it is not my own. The finished dish and the pictures however are mine. And yes of course it all went into my tummy!

Before you knock it, do give it a try. I have posted a video of it as well on my Youtube Channel. So give this Roba de Toro or Spanish Oxtail Stew a try today.



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