Organic vs. Regular

by TastesSpicy

I love shopping at Whole Foods and Lund’s or Byerlys…I love seeing all those pretty vegetables and the meat market portion of the store, with all those nice cuts of meat just laid out before me!

There is something to be said about the way you lay out the food, as most people do eat and shop with their eyes first. Have you ever heard the saying Don’t go to the grocery with an empty tummy? Because everything will look delicious and you will buy things that you honestly don’t need.

Sadly I tend to shop like that most of the time. I have been testing the difference between Organic chicken and NON-Organic. I simply cannot afford to buy Organic on a daily basis. It is just to expensive, however every now and again I like to splurge. This was one of those times.

If you are from the Caribbean, then you know it is important to was your meat with fresh lime juice and vinegar to remove the slime and gaminess from the meat. Most people however do not do that where I am today. They just don’t seem to taste what I taste if my meat Is not washed properly.

This is where one of my main differences between Organic and non-organic comes in. I did not do anything like washing my meat when I purchased it to cooking it. Yep I did the carnal sin…I did not wash my meat! My mom would be like I am not eating that if she only knew!

If you follow me on my blog you know my favorite all time sandwich is a Crispy Fried Chicken Sandwich! I used an organic chicken breast to make it. I did not wash it. I took it home from the store and soaked it in my milk brine and fried it. I can attest to the fact that it was perfect! You would not have been able to tell there was no lime juice in it. It was Juicy and crispy!

If I had made it with a normal chicken breast It would not have came out the same. I am not saying that you have to switch to Organic now. I am saying give it a try. When you want to treat yourself then go for it!

To my sandwich I made this refreshing Vinegar Slaw that helped to cut the richness of the Fried Chicken. It was perfect together. I also used organic cabbages to make the slaw. I was feeling extra generous that day!

Recipe for Crispy Fried Chicken Sandwich and Vinegar Slaw.





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1 comment

Henry July 26, 2015 - 2:54 pm

First off liked the recent Salmon recipe, I’m a huge lover of eating Salmon :). Also like the Shrimp and Potato Roti also. But anyway I’ve been occasionally guilty of occasionally been little too N.American vs Caribbean and not using my Lemons or Vinegar to clean up my Chicken. I know better, just get that American Syndrome of sometime been too busy to remember to do so. But I always feel guilty when I do.

I do occasionally buy organic sometimes. At least Organic Stock at Cosco as it’s also really low in Sodium too but Organic. Often and occasionally I see an article that says not to wash chicken or meat as it adds contamination to sink or surface as result of the washing. I guess some people may not know better in how to decontaminate after doing so. That’s why I always have Bleach bottle under the sink to decontaminate everything after.

On another long work project assignment for several months, so won’t get to cook anything much for quite some time. Keep up the awesome recipe posting, I know it takes allot of good effort.


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