by TastesSpicy

Well my 12 week challenge at my boot camp is over. We had an awards party and everything! So at least people got to see me in normal clothes outside of my gym clothes. I did not win the challenge, but I did receive the MVP trophy for most attendance and for working the hardest in my group.

I am a very tiny person so I lost 10 pounds and 8 % body fat in my 12 weeks. I did meet my goal weight. I am still working on dropping my body fat percentage. I will keep chipping away at it and trying really hard to eat healthy. I will politely refuse the cute little girl scouts trying to sell me their most delicious cookies. And if politeness does not work…I shall shut the door and run away from them! Along this 12 week challenge I have also lost some friends, but if they cannot support me when I am trying to make me better, then they were not friends to really begin with. So to that old life I say…good riddance!

Those are some really good cookies though…I love the coconut flavored ones.

Okay get my mind out of the gutter. This is where this super delicious, super easy and super healthy meal comes in! First step is to omit potatoes, we are switching to sweet potatoes. Much healthier and more fiber! And who does not love chicken? Chicken is like the universal meat, it goes with everything!

The intense flavor comes from marinating this chicken over night or for at least 4-6 hours. You can either grill this chicken or do like me and add everything to one pan and pop it into the oven! It is so simple!

Click here for Oven Roasted Chicken recipe.



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1 comment

Henry April 13, 2016 - 12:50 pm

Congrats on:
1. Sticking to your goal.
2. Finishing the challenge.
3. Achieving your goal from the challenge.
4. Making challenge MVP.

I like to say there is a difference between people you know as Friends and those you know as Acquaintances! There is a difference. A real friend will support you most especially when your doing something most positive to better your self, life and or health and everything else that’s obviously not a detriment to your life. Someone that cannot is or was never your friend but likely just an Acquaintance!

You should stay away from the cookies. I know they are just evil in temptation.

If you eat as we see you cook on this blog. Your far more healthier than 99% of the population and get very good nutrition as well in entirety. But to manage your weight eat smaller portion sizes. And drink lots of good purified water.

Love the recipe as well.


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