Epic Chaos?

by TastesSpicy

Ahhhh its finally the day of voting! Everyone and their mama, has to flood your facebook by letting the world know they voted! Is anything kept private anymore? I mean its your damn duty to go vote for someone you think will be able to lead for the next fours years. That does not mean you have to post every freaking minute of your voting process on facebook.

Just wear the darn sticker on your forehead and walk around already! I will be happy to stop getting all of all the useless rants on my social media pages and seeing it on TV and hearing it on the radio already.

No one is even talking about Thanksgiving! Here I am just worrying about getting my delicious Organic Turkey and figuring out if I am going to fry it or bake it this year, while the rest of America is glued to the TV.

Before I go off into another rant, My baby brother is turning into a full grown pumpkin to day! He is no longer a squash…27, almost a man grown! WOOT, WOOT…I already sang for him today and made his day extra special! Now he has my voice in his head for the rest of the day! LOL

When you get back from voting try this amazing recipe for Butterflaps. It is a basic white bread recipe with extra butter and folded. It is super yummy! These would go great to munch on while you are watching who wins tonight. Its even better if you have a bowl of chili and you dip this bread into it! OMG amazing!!!

Go Vote if you can. It is our Duty. I am extremely proud to stand in those long lines and get my sticker!

Click here for Butterflaps recipe.



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