I have a new found respect for firemen and women. No my house did not burn down and they did not have to come save me! As you are all aware…I had a moment of insanity and had signed up for this 3 month long boot camp..I know I still question myself every single time I am about to pass out in one of those 30 minute sessions!
Today in one of the sessions, one of the guys is an actual fireman and the trainers decided it would be fun to use the firefighter theme for one of the sessions. They are really good at changing up the workouts and finding new ways of tormenting us!
They brought in the whole outfit that the firemen wear, the pants, shirt, hat and tank that goes on your back! In addition, to two very heavy dummys…the hoses, hammers, picks. So you had to wear the full garb, and roll out the hoses, try to save the dummy that was very heavy, pound down using the hammer and carry the rolled up hoses up and down the gym on your shoulder! By the first set, everyone was drenched in sweat! Those uniforms are at least 15 pounds on its own and it was very hot, plus the tank on your back! I am pretty sure I will have sore shoulders and legs tomorrow. On top of all that…I did not even save the dummy…I could have only pulled him like quarter of the way. I seriously think he needed to lose some of that muscle mass on his body!
Okay now why Chicken Tenders today, especially after that brutal workout? If anyone knows me, I love Chicken Tenders! Anywhere I go and there is chicken tenders on the menu, you bet I am getting it. Now I recently went out to a new spot and of course I ordered the Chicken Tenders. First off it was NOT breaded, it was battered! Yup…I know it is a serious curse to take these precious, extra tender pieces of tenderloins and batter it!
It was soaked in oil, very tasteless and salty! I think I took 1 bite and left it alone…I did enjoy my night though…playing Scrabble and kicking someone’s butt…I am not naming names…LMBO. As I am sure that certain someone may read this blog and I do want to stay on their good side!
So this is why we have Chicken Tenders today! To make chicken tenders you have to have the tenderloin of the chicken. It is found closest to the bone of the chicken breast, it is simply pulled out with your hands. You don’t even need to use your knife to remove it.
I made this as simple as I can, no fancy seasonings. It came out like proper chicken tenders should!
Click here for Chicken Tenders recipe.