Beef Chow Fun

by TastesSpicy

Did you survive your Thanksgiving Holiday? Did you venture out into the Black Friday abyss of chaos?

I managed to survive two Thanksgiving holidays this year. The first being mine and the second with the Kubes family.

I am going to show you my two turkeys that I did this year. I am really hoping to actually share this recipe sometime in the future. But there is only so much turkey I can eat! Especially since I don’t even like turkey.

The first Turkey is baked and the second is deep fried. Both tasted fantastic and they were both juicy. However we ate most of the fried turkey before we even sat down to dinner. So I am going to go out on a limb and say that was our first choice.

And honestly after eating all that Thanksgiving food I just wanted something normal to cleanse the palette. I had a sudden craving for Beef Chow Fun! NOT to be mistaken for pad Thai.

This Beef Chow Fun is usually served with white sticky rice, but I added in wide noodles and it was fantastic. I wanted to share this with someone who loves Thai Food and drove all that way to deliver it while it was hot, but I was greeted instead with a Crabby Pants! So no more Thai Food for him.

But if you like Beef Fun Chow when you go to the restaurant, here is your chance of making it at home! And I even made a video for you, how sweet is that.

If you liked this video and recipe, remember to pop on by my Youtube Channel and give it a thumbs up and Subscribe to get the latest recipes!

In the mean while click here to get Beef Chow Fun Recipe.


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