A virtual trip to Tunisia

by TastesSpicy

So nothing new here other than we got another 8-14 inches of snow again today. I am so ready for winter to be gone. And no it is not beautiful, like a lot of people seem to think. It is chaos to drive in, back breaking trying to shovel yourself out before work, sand and salt everywhere that makes the snow look a dirty brown color.

I just want some sunshine so I can complain about how hot it is, and that the heat is making my hair frizzy and its charing my skin.

Today, I am sharing a post that I was lucky enough to do for another blog. It is called 196 Flavors. It is the first bilingual blog (French and English) that features unique and authentic  world cuisine.

They feature a different country or region each month. This month they are taking you on a tour of Tunisia and its beautiful cuisine. These are authentic recipes that they provide to you. my only contribution to this was cooking and photographing. The recipe is from 196 flavors.

I was assigned a flavorful, comforting Lamb Stew called Mermez. For the full recipe and an explanation of why this stew is one of Tunisia’s authentic food, check out the write up that I did at this link, Mermez.

Again the recipe is from 196 flavors. The video below is mine and its the longer version that I made of Mermez. The actual recipe uses a pressure cooker. I slow cooked mine because I had all the time in the world that day!

Check out 196 flavors and their wonderful recipes and as usual if you like the videos, head on over to my YouTube Channel and give it a thumbs up and subscribe to it.


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Urban @ urbanskitchen.com March 9, 2018 - 3:15 am

I found the blog article over at 196Flavors, was a good interesting read. I actually enjoyed more of the backstory of the dish, it’s traditional roots and so forth in the article there you wrote. I guess one the reason I luv food especially as a food lover and someone who enjoys all aspects of and global food cultures is that you can learn much about a particular culture and history through their food. Food can take one places through imagination and aroma, without having to go there physically but so much better if one actually can. And that’s one the thing I enjoy about being a foodie. I can say I know one more unique cultural dish today that I didn’t know yesterday and that’s always awesome. As well I like a blog about unique cultural dishes from around the world that show cases that at the blog over there.

TastesSpicy March 12, 2018 - 6:37 pm

Yes this blog is definitely about traditions and upholding about the originally dish. You had asked me about where I get pimentos over here in MN. Well would you believe if I told you I grow my own every summer and I freeze it and keep some for seed so I can re grown again. Otherwise they don’t sell it here. I have already started some seeds inside for this summer.

Urban @ urbanskitchen.com March 9, 2018 - 2:16 am

North Africa dies have some very interesting dishes. So looks like a very nice dish with this one. And I luv me some lamb too.

Hope you do a post for the Bread recipe there in the background of the dish.


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