The best Fish Sandwich ever!

by TastesSpicy

If you have ever been to Trinidad or Tobago, then you will know that Bake and Shark is said to be one of the world’s best fish sandwiches. It was even featured on Andrew Zimmerman.

What makes this simple sandwich so popular? First off its the small sharks that is freshly caught, the skin removed and fileted. There are no bones in this shark. When the shark is seasoned perfectly and deep fried…it is so delicious! There is no fishy taste that comes with this.

The bakes are small, deep fried dough, that is sturdy enough to hold the fish together. And the condiments are the bonus…you can have dozens of condiments to place in this sandwich. It will only enhance the flavor of this mouth watering sandwich!

If you ever venture to Trinidad or Tobago be sure to go to Maracas Bay and try one of there Bake and Sharks!

But when you cannot get to it, you hav eto make it on your own. In MN we do not get shark here. So whenever I go back home, its one of my must eat things!

Click here for Bake and Shark recipe.






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