Fish, Fish and more Fish!

by TastesSpicy

With us being smack in the middle of Lent, what better post or recipe than fish!

I know, all those fast food chain restaurants have amazing, unhealthy fish sandwiches that just makes you want to keep eating. So why go to those unhealthy places that packs on the carbs and the grease when can make your own right at home!

Growing up on an Island allows you access to unlimited fresh fish every day! If you have the opportunity to eat fresh seafood, it is completely different in taste than seafood that has been frozen.

I cannot tell you how many people have told me they don’t like the taste of fish because of the fishy smell. Fish does not have a smell! Not fresh fish.

Fish cooked the proper way is delicate and delicious. I bought this Red Snapper as fresh as I can from the seafood store. So to go off story…when I first bought my fish, I brought it home and opened it up…the butcher did not clean inside properly, he took the eyes out and the gills, but he left some of the insides and that caused the fish to spoil. I took it right back to the butcher! I paid $24 for that one fish no way was I going to ruin my dish and lose my money.

The second fish I got was well cleaned both inside and out. It had no smell and it was fresh, not frozen.

I seasoned it as simple as can be to not take away from the flavor of the fish. The steamed vegetables with the broth is poured over the fish after it has been fried. Super delicious!

Give it a go. Do not be intimidated by cooking a whole fish. Use fillets if you prefer.

Click here for Whole Fried Snapper with Steamed Vegetables.




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