
by TastesSpicy

It is such an important word! It is something that you have to use in your daily life, with your work, relationships, with your children, with family, your pets… If there is no communication, then that relationship is just not going to work.

This is something that I am coming to realize as an adult. You have to make time to communicate with the people and furry friends in your life. If you want to have a healthy relationship whether it is work related, family related or relationship related you simply have to fit that little thing in. It really is such a simple thing. Yet we make it such a chore sometimes.

Think about it, how much time and energy does it really take to have a short conversation with someone rather than responding negatively and saying no time to chat! If something is important, then you better make that time to communicate with that person. How many times have you heard in the past, about relationships ending over lack of communication or how many times have you heard, it is hard to communicate with a co-worker.

We are all humans, we talk to perfect strangers when we are out yet we lack this simple everyday skill. It carries over into your personal life, it affects your abilities at work, it can hurt an important interview. They give entire classes about this one word. So important to our everyday day existence.

To end that rant, let me communicate to you, my recipe for this week. It is another Roti recipe that I share with you today. It is Dhalpuri Roti, it is a bread filled with ground split pea that is seasoned and then cooked on the stove. This you can eat with or without a side dish. This is because it is seasoned with spices and herbs.



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1 comment

Henry August 17, 2014 - 2:20 pm

Communications is so important and in all the ways we communicate. We have more ways in which we can communicate today in todays world, yet we seem to have less effective communication as a result and with less substance. Sometimes though all it takes is just one person to be that more of a friend, confidant and just communicate more. At least you know you tried.

I just stopped by to see what was cooking. I’ve been busy for last 2-3 weeks getting relocated across 3-4 states from NC to Pittsburgh PA, by my company for a new job and its life disruptive having to move and find a new place. Let alone good time to read blogs like yours and cook anything much or not at all since. All too busy finding a new permanent place and not much time for cooking at the moment. But I at least try to stop by and see whats cooking, even while being busy doing the other things that keep me busy at the moment.


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