Superbowl…with a healthy twist.

by TastesSpicy

February 2nd will be the Super bowl as you all know…its the big game day that we Americans (yes I refer to myself as an American on that day) all look forward to each year.

It helps to take our minds off the weather and gives us something to talk about other than the blistering cold tormenting us outside. Today is a heat wave with 12 degrees let me tell you!

I can’t wait to go outside and have that warm, cold air hit me! LOL Okay but I am digressing away from Super bowl and again focusing on the weather!

Back to Super bowl, this year I am going to do a healthy super bowl…low carb all the way. But before I tell you what’s on the menu, let me tell you how our Super Bowl goes each year…first of all the Vikings never win so we are never in the Super Bowl, I think the last time they got in was before I was even born. I do however have every other teams jersey! Yep I sure do, so I am prepared for whichever team makes in it there.

I wear both teams jersey and whichever teams scores I pull the other off! Walla… Am I smart or what. Now my sister is not a football person…she has very little idea what really is going on in the game. She does try though…she is usually awake long enough to watch the first quarter and then she wakes up with about 8 minutes left in the last quarter and starts cheering for whichever team she feels like cheering for.

My brother just yells at the TV throughout the entire game all the while keeping up with his texting…My brother-in-law loves to give the statistics of football in general…even worse when he has a few beers…My other partner in crime…usually stays quiet…my niece stays hidden in her room and will come out briefly to ask us why we are making so much noise and is that game done yet so she can use the big TV to play the WII and why can’t we go watch football on the small TV. And well me, I usually am the one saying…Ohhhhh, Oh…man…and hey are you guys going to eat? Come on eat some more…cause I hate left overs…its a pain to put all the food away. And of course you would think there was 15 of us in the house…when there really is only  6 of us…one sleeping, and one hidden in her room…

Okay so for the big game this weekend…I will be featuring chicken wings! LOL of course you have to have wings! But my brother-in-law wants wings in a sauce so that is where I will have to come up with a sauce. And of course there will be Turkey Tacos, with low carb shells…My brother loves steak so I may do steaks or Pork chops…whatever I am in the mood for since I am the chef and collard greens with smoked turkey. And of course…my homemade Baked Beans! And guess what, I am sharing my recipe for my beans today with you all. It was a hit I must say…(patting myself on the back). Enjoy!


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Jo March 2, 2014 - 7:13 am

Funny. Funny story.

Jo March 2, 2014 - 7:13 am

Funny. Funny story.


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