Pepper Shrimp – Trini Style

by TastesSpicy

There are many different variations of Pepper Shrimp. There is the Jamaican pepper Shrimp, the Spicy Pepper Shrimp which is marinated in hot peppers and fried. Then there is the Pepper Shrimp that comes with a sweet and spicy sauce.

I choose to make the Pepper Shrimp with a sauce because you can then eat it with rice and its not as spicy as the others. I know right? Everything I cook is spicy!

With this dish you can leave the shell on or you can remove the shell, it really is a preference. I left the shell on mine because I wanted to keep the nice plump, tender meat on the inside intact.

Its a messy job trying to fight you way to the soft insides. But it sure is fun!

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