Well hello there again!
I can safely say Summer has arrived in Minnesota. Everyone is out shopping for their plants and not wearing masks. Actually some people are not even vacinated and probably won’t because they still think Covid is not real. Walking around like they are invincible, not a care in the world.
To be so carefree! While I am on a rant, does anyone know how to make the geese stop coming into your yard? OMG those things poop everywhere. I have a wetland behind my house and those geese multiply by the dozens monthly it seems like. They are not affraid of humans cause when you try to shoo them…they hold their ground and get into a staring match with you. And for some reason I always lose.
I was recently trolling YouTube at like 3 am in the morning when I could not sleep and this Chicken and Rice Kabsa came across my feed. Of course once you click on one video then it YouTube fills your feed with similar recipes. So I have been seeing many different versions of kabsa’s.
What exactly is a Kabsa?
Kabsa is a mixed rice dish, served on a communal platter, that originated in Saudi Arabia but is commonly regarded as a national dish in countries of the Arabian Peninsula . The name comes from the word Kabasa literally meaning to press or squeeze, alluding to the technique used in the cooking where the ingredients are all cooked in one pot.
There are many kinds of kabsa and each kind has a uniqueness about it. Kabsa is typically made with a meat, rice, vegetables and an assortment of spices. In fact today you can find pre-mixed kabsa spices for purchase. The spices used in kabsa are largely responsible for its taste; these are generally black pepper, cloves, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, black lime, bay leaves and nutmeg. While Kabsa can be made with different types of meat, chicken seems to be most commonly used.
I used chicken thighs although you can use the thigh and leg quarters. Typically it is made with bone in. Add ons to this rice can be almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, sultanas and onions.
This Chicken and Rice Kabsa is my version. If you love a good one pot meal then this is the perfect dish. As the name means cooking everything in one vessel. You can make this dish with lamb or beef as well. I actually think lamb would be great in this dish.
Check out the video below for a step by step recording of how I made mine. Be sure to stop by my YouTube channel and give it a thumbs up and subscribe!
Click here for Chicken and Rice Kabsa recipe.