Jamaican Beans and Rice

by TastesSpicy

I have a question. How do parents punish their kids when they are being naughty?

Growing up in Trinidad, I can tell you my mom doled out a can of whop-ass weekly! LMBO yes we got ‘lix’ regularly. Not the kind of whipping that leaves marks on your body or that would traumatize their kids as adults of course. We got the kind where we knew never to do that again!

In fact in the Islands its quite normal to get a whop-ass from your parents! Why am I so into the whop-ass? Well the Monster is at the age where she likes to remind me that she is becoming a tween! So I let her know when tweens behave badly or sass me they will get punished like a tween!

I did not give out the whop-ass like I desperately wanted to but I did one better…I took away all her gadgets! And my baby girl cannot go a day without her precious IPAD, IPOD or her TV shows! Ha…it was great! She is on gadget punishment for a month!

I actually survived the first weekend of her punishment without losing my mind. I made a deal with her that each day that she is a good girl, and does not sass me or throw a tantrum and picks up after herself her sentencing will be reduced by one day! If she throws a tantrum then sentencing will be increased by 2 days.

She was a perfect little lady all weekend. She helped clean out the refrigerator, she helped me empty and clean the cup boards and she packed away the groceries.

Unto Jamaican Beans and Rice. This is an authentic Jamaican Beans and Rice dish, that is packed with flavor. I used a fragrant green seasoning paste to boost the flavor. You have to have patience to cook this dish as it is low and slow.




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