I think Spring is here…

by TastesSpicy

Hello Spring!

Apparently Monday was the first day of Spring! Here in MN, though that is still left to be desired as we usually get a few days of snow in late April just to remind us about who is the boss, Mother Nature herself.

I cannot complain about what a fantastic winter we had this year though. Back in November we had 70 degree days and just last month we had some 60 degree weather which for us here is like Summer! People here seriously do break out the shorts and tank tops.

Spring is my favorite time of the year, because after 5 months of no rain, I am ready to hear it fall on my roof and have it beating against my window panes. It has to be the most relaxing and comforting sound to fall asleep to.

What is not comforting however is raising a teenager! I always tell my monster that I am going to college to live with her…although lately I keep asking myself, when is she going to go off to college already! I can’t handle the attitude and the constant reminding me that she is a teenager now, yet I still do her laundry and serve her, her food!

I wish there was a button in my house that I can press to turn off her phone and her internet without it affecting me. Is there a button that does that? Do Tell please!

I am trying to instill some of our Trini heritage into her, but its really hard to do that here in the US, with cell phones, 50 inch TV’s, all the fancy brand name clothing and shoes…and most importantly not being able to give her little behind a spanking!

When we were growing up, we got ‘lix’ daily with whatever my mom can get her hands on. We got ‘lix’ in school for running in the rain, or not having clean fingernails or having nail polish on them, your shoes had to be the correct color, no colored socks. You had to wear proper uniforms and your badge everyday.

I wish the schools here were like that. Although the monster do wear a uniform to school so I am at least happy for that. I wish I can deactivate her cell phone though…I am still working on that! Stay tuned!

While you are waiting for me to break into my Monsters phone, how about this very colorful Mexican Rice! I recently attended a girls night in and the menu was Mexican so I had to come up with a very quick, one pot Mexican rice dish. I would say I spent a maximum of 30 minutes making this dish from beginning to end. It is that easy and delicious.

Until then…Keep Drinking Water!

Click here for Mexican Rice recipe.

mexican rice 5

mexican rice 3

mexican rice 4

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