Fresh Seafood!

by TastesSpicy

Nothing beats Fresh Seafood. I have heard many people say they don’t like fish or seafood because of the fishy taste. First off Seafood is not supposed to have a fishy taste. It is supposed to be fresh and you are only supposed to taste the yummy inside flesh that is tender and succulent.

If you go to the fish market, and your fish has a smell to it, its been there a while. If you touch it with your fingers and the skin does not bounce back right away, it has been there a while. Look at the eyes of the Fish, it should be clear, NOT cloudy.

I love fresh fish. I truly miss that about home. Here we simply cannot get fresh fish. We don’t even get King fish or shark.

There is a Fish Truck that comes in off the West Coast, they come in 2 times a year and they bring in fresh or as fresh can be, Red Snapper, crayfish, shrimp, and crab meat. Once I got my card in the mail saying where they were going to be, I hustled down and joined a line of 100’s and waited on my turn in the hot sun!

I came away with some beautiful Red Snapper! They were bright red! I knew I wanted to make Fish soup, fry fish, grilled fish…curry fish. All types I wanted to do!

Since it is Summer time I settled on grilling my beautiful Red Snapper! Simply grilled with some veggies and Couscous. Delicious!

Find Red Snapper Recipe Here!




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1 comment

Henry June 16, 2015 - 5:39 pm

Always love me some good Snapper Fish, head intact and all. So good to see this recipe. As always throughly always enjoy the play by play photos of recipe.

As well nice to see your now on Flip Board. Saw the post there before hopped over here. Of course I’m your first subscriber lol “AD”. Yup that’s me 🙂


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