
by TastesSpicy

Who does not like a good dessert? I think most everyone at some point fall into that sweet tooth phase! Myself included even though I like to think I don’t have a sweet tooth.

This dessert is usually made during a Hindu prayer or wedding. It is packaged with other sweets and given out to folks.

The smell of it while frying alone makes me think of home and doing pooja! I love how simple and easy it is to make and better yet My Monster was totally grubbing on it! She is getting to this age where she likes to test me, to see how far she can push me…not in my house I tell her! Shoot…I am the boss! I can turn off the WIFI anytime and get total revenge! LOL

Give this sweet treat a try, it lasts a few days out of the fridge.

Click here for Kurma (Mithai) recipe.



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