Beef Fried Rice

by TastesSpicy

Whose bracket is also busted? Obviously mine is history. But I am still beating a particular bragger who thought he was going to get a free dinner from BWW! I get so excited at the beginning of the games, I start checking my bracket religiously throughout the day, then I get overly verbal at the TV like the teams can hear me! I know some of you do that too. Don’t pretend like I am the only crazy one.

I just got done watching Benji on Netflix, the new one that is. I am ready to run out and adopt a dog right now! If only I was not a cat person! I must not let my monster see that movie otherwise the whining to get a puppy will be endless.

Every country in the world probably have some version of fried rice. Its like the rice that keeps on going. In Trinidad the most popular is our Trini Chinese Chicken or Shrimp Fried Rice. Not too often do you hear about beef fried rice back home. When I go to my favorite Chinese take out place that I have been going to for 17 years, I am not kidding…17 years, I always, always get the same thing. Vegetable Fried Rice and Fried Chicken Wings. I don’t ever get anything else. I am a creature of habit. The monster refuses to eat Chinese food. She will only eat white rice with Beef and broccoli. Thats it. It drives me insane!

Today I am presenting you with Beef Fried Rice. I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and change things up. I tested this recipe and decided I did not like eggs in my fried rice. But please add it in if you like eggs. Just fry it first, then your beef.

It is recommended that you use day old rice, but honestly, I don’t see the difference in freshly made rice. My grandmother used to use day old rice all the time, mainly because she cooked so much and always had leftovers. She used to fry the rice with only eggs and onions…thats it! And we loved it. Off topic here, she use to make this macaroni with eggs and onions too with hot peppers. Dah-licious!

Funny how I used to not like those things back then but now I actually miss it! Okay back to Beef Fried Rice. You can use a beef chuck sliced thin, or you can just buy a steak and slice that like I did. You will have to use dark soy sauce to get the rice dark brown. But you only need a few drops, otherwise your rice will get black and taste bitter.

Whip up some of these Chinese Chicken Wings to go with this Beef Fried Rice and have a great takeout dinner at home!

Remember, if you like the videos that I do, be sure to hop on over to my Youtube Channel and give it a thumbs up and subscribe! How else will you get first dibs on seeing the posts?

Click here for Beef Fried Rice recipe.




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1 comment

Urban @ March 30, 2018 - 5:38 pm

Don’t do the bracket thing, just don’t have time for that lol. Too many things going on in life i guess. We used to have quite a bit of Fried Rice & Egg as a kid, often for lunch as dinner was a more regular cooked meal and thing. Sometime we had chicken. But i’ve never recalled Beef Fried Rice as a kid. I just developed more a luv for Fried Rice and things Asian cooking living in Asia when I used to live there for several years back when I was in the military.

I’d have to give this a go at some point soon in the future. I’d give me a reason to finally open those bottles of Pearl River Bridge Soy Sauce & Mushroom Soy Sauce i have just waiting to be used. Where did you get that nice Black Bowl and the Chinese Take out boxes?

Happy Easter!


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