Coconut Curried Crab with Dumplings!

by TastesSpicy

Growing up on an Island had its advantages, like getting fresh seafood straight from the ‘fish van’. A Fish vendor, who owns his own vehicle goes to the wharf every morning when the fishermen comes in with their catch. The Fishermen then barter with the Fish Van owners to sell their fish to them at a good price.

The Fish Man as we like to call them, are the ones who drive around the villages selling the fresh fish. They hunk a loud horn throughout the village driving slowly and when you hear it you drop what you are doing and run outside to hail them down!

So there, you get fresh fish or seafood most days without having to leave your home!

On good days you have the pleasure of crab or shrimp or even shark! But that is a story for another day. Here in Good old MN we do not have the luxury of getting fresh seafood, because we are surrounded by 10,000 lakes, with no Ocean in sight and for the next few months we will onle be seeing snow for miles!

We do not get the small blue crab that I grew up eating in Trinidad. Here we only get the huge crab legs. Which is not bad at all. First of all it is less work to get to the meat. You get more meat, in one claw than in a whole blue crab, and really its less crunching on those tiny crab legs. So give this Coconut Curry Crab a try using the King Crab Legs! Its delicious!

Click here for Recipe for Coconut Curried Crab with Dumplings.






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