Three Cheese Lobster Mac & Cheese

by TastesSpicy

Never negotiate with a child. This is what I have learnt over the years. You will simply not win because they never forget any promises you have made to them.

My monster who is now Ten years old, has been begging for at least three yeas now for a dog. Now if you have been reading my blog and following me…you will all know I am a cat lover. The monster was the one who actually choose Knockles to be part of our family.

Knockles loved her the first moment she saw her, doing all these tricks for her and stuff. Now of course knockles hear her little feet coming and takes off to hide! She won’t come out until the monster has left da building!

So because knockles is no longer interested in her she wants a dog! A dog is a major responsibility that I know will end up being my responsibility once the idea of a puppy has worn off. Hence my hesitation. While I do love animals, I am not looking forward to waking up at 6am in the dead of winter to go walk the dog!

So after much crying, throwing tantrums and negotiating…we settled on a fish! LMBO.

I told her if the fish lives for 5 years and she is good with it she can have a puppy. So the newest member of the family is Leroy Frilly R. Picture below.

Now onto the recipe. This is an oldie, but I revamped it a little. It is Lobster Mac & Cheese. It is made with three types of cheeses, a creamy, a smoky, and a sharp cheese. The lobster I brought all the way from Trinidad, where I got it while on vacation. I grilled it and then added it to the cheese sauce. Three Cheese Lobster Mac & Cheese.

Who does not like cheese or pasta?


leroy frilly


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1 comment

Henry July 17, 2014 - 1:33 pm

Read that recipe step by step and seems like a really nice dish. For some reason reading the recipe instruction I also got the idea that hey throwing in some Shrimps would go well with this dish as well with the lobster. Seems easy enough to make, so like the recipe.

Growing up in the islands, I sometime remember my Auntie when she made a Mac & Cheese dish she would layer it in the casserole dish with nice juicy tomatoes in between the Mac & Cheese.

A few non critical comments 🙂 There are a few spelling errors in the instructions that can be easily corrected. You might have been in a hurry there. A few paragraph breaks in the recipe instruction would be nice. Makes it easy to remember where was looking up to eye the ingredients and back. Also does look like a long block of text especially reading it on an smartphone. Should help to make the reading easier.

A email subscribe link somewhere in side of blog would be nice so can get notification when a new post is posted. I couldn’t find one.


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