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1 whole chicken cut into small pieces
3 cups of parboil brown rice washed
and drained.
Green Seasoning
4 cloves of garlic
1 knob of garlic
2 stalk of scallions
1 bunch of cilantro
1 habernaro (optional)
4 stalks of thyme
1 stalk of rosemary
1/4 cup olive oil
4 cups of fresh coconut milk (or you
can use 1 can of store bought coconut
milk diluted with 2 cups of water.
1 habernero (optional)
1 cup of dry black eye peas
1/2 cup of carrots, diced
1/2 cup of celery. diced
1 red sweet pepper, diced
3 tbsp of granulated sugar
2 tbsp cooking oil
1 onion sliced
2 cloves of garlic grated
Lets gather up all our green, fresh herbs to make our green
seasoning to marinate our chicken pieces. In a food processor
add, 4 cloves of garlic, a knob of ginger, 2 stalks of scallions
(green onions), 4 sprigs of thyme, 1 stalk of rosemary, 1
habernero pepper (optional) and a bunch of cilantro.
While you are processing your green herbs in the food
processor, drizzle in your olive oil. This should be 1/4 cup.
The olive oil is what gives the seasoning the nice, bright green
color. It smells divine!
Add the green seasoning to your chicken, that has been
washed with cold water and drained. You may not need all
your green seasoning, refrigerate the let overs for up to 3
days. Add salt and freshly ground black pepper to your meat.
Set your seasoned chicken aside to marine while you prepare the
rest of your ingredients You are going to boil your black eye peas
in 3 cups of water. Boil it until it is still a little firm but easy to
squeeze between your fingers. It should take about 15 minutes to
cook. Drain your peas and set aside.
Now onto this the previous picture that is how a dry
coconut looks. You are going to use the back of a heavy knife to
crack your coconut in half pictured above. Now I have a coconut
grinder...however most folks don't so you are going to have to use
the tip of your knife to remove the flesh of your coconut from the
hard shell. Once this is done...put all the pieces into a blender
with 1 cup of water and chop very fine. Empty the chopped
coconut into a big bowl and add 3 more cups of water to it. Using
your hands squeeze out the coconut pieces from the water.
You are going to reserve the water which now looks like milk.
Discard the dried coconut flakes.
Your dried beans after being boiled will
look like this.
Gather your chopped veggie to add to
your rice. Wash and drain your 3 cups
of parboil rice. Heat your oil in a large,
iron pot.
Add your 2 tbsp of sugar to the oil on
the stove. Leave your stove on
medium heat. You do not want it over
hot or your sugar will burn and ruin
your entire meal.
This is an important step so keep a close
eye on your sugar.
Notice how the white sugar gradually
changes color and starts to slowly
bubble. You are not ready
Only after your sugar comes to a rapid
bubble pictured above...then you are
Add quickly to your caramelized sugar, your sliced
onion, 2 cloves of grated garlic, and your whole
habernero pepper. Do not cut, slice or pierce your
pepper, unless you want it super spicy.
Let your onion mixture fry for about 2
minutes, until the onions are softened.
Add your marinated chicken and let this fry for about 10
minutes. The chicken will release its own juices. Notice
that the chicken will turn brown. That is because of the
sugar...this is called browning or stewing the chicken in
Trini lingo!
After the 10 minutes of the chicken
frying, add the washed rice.
Add your chopped vegetables, your sweet
pepper, celery and carrots. And your black eye
peas. Add salt to taste.
Stir everything together.
Now you are going to add your coconut milk. Add the
4 cups of liquid to the pot. It should just cover the
meat and rice. If you have more liquid than you need
just set it aside. If you add too much liquid your rice
will over cook. Cover with a tight lid and walk away!
It smelt so good. The rice will take about 20
minutes to cook.
Once your water has evaporated and your
rice is just aldente you are ready to eat!
Serve with a nice green salad! Enjoy.
After 20 minutes I removed my lid and let the
water burn out. Gently mix to prevent any
sticking. Remember to remove your pepper in
case you eat it!
Chicken Palau
It has been a few hot, humid days here in Minnesota...of course most folks are complaining, however coming from an
Island, I love it! I am just soaking up all this heat and warm weather.
My brother plays cricket during the summer here and I love going to the park and just relaxing in the warm weather and
watching the game. Of course the guys playing is usually just dying out in that heat!
Today I made a favorite one pot dish of Trinidad and a lot of the other Islands do make as well.
When you are planning a beach lime you can always count on Palau being on the menu.
Going for a "lime" in Trinidad means to party, or hang out. So we would say I am going to the beach for a lime, or we are
going to the beach to party or hangout!